Public awareness

Our company is committed to citizen culture processes, which is why we continuously work to strengthen ties with our communities. Currently, our sensitization and awareness strategies cover different population groups and different options of relationship with the community are managed. Meet them!

Cusianagas with you

Cusianagas with you

The purpose of this activity is to generate a rapprochement with the community in a playful and participatory way, in which we leave messages of citizen awareness, proper use of gas installations, use of emergency lines and customer service, Periodic Reviews and a sense of belonging to the city.

Cinema in the neighborhood

Cinema in the Park

The purpose of this activity is to bring family films to the different sectors of the city, with themes related to caring for the environment and civic culture. Prior to the screening of the film, messages are given on citizen awareness, proper use of gas installations, use of emergency lines and customer service, Periodic Reviews and a sense of belonging to the city.

Community awareness

Community awareness

These types of activities aim to bring environmental messages and the proper use of gas service to specific populations such as companies, unions, officials, senior citizens, communities around a common goal. They are generally requested externally by other entities.

For more information or if you want to schedule one of our activities, contact our customer service lines 681 9086.