Periodic review process

The safety of your home and family is a priority for Cusianagas. Your internal natural gas installation and gas appliances need to be checked periodically to protect you and your family from the dangerous effects of carbon monoxide.

For this reason, Cusianagas has implemented the Periodic Reviews, a process decreed by the National Government, through which the good condition of your internal natural gas installations is verified every five years. The process of Periodic Reviews must be carried out in Residential, Commercial and Industrial Installations.

The Energy and Gas Regulatory Commission (Comisión de Regulación de Energía y Gas -CREG) issued Resolution 059 of 2012, which establishes a minimum and a maximum term to perform the Periodic Review.

In turn, the Ministry of Mines and Energy issued a regulation through which it establishes who will be responsible for carrying out such procedure, as well as the responsibilities and rights of distributors and users (Resolution 90 902 of October 24, 2013).

What is the Periodic Review in Industries?

It is the mandatory inspection of the internal gas installation for installations that are 60 months old, carried out by an Accredited Inspection Body, within the minimum and maximum periods defined in this Resolution, developed in compliance with current standards or Technical Regulations.

In the Periodic Review of industrial buildings, it must be verified that they have a maintenance program for the industrial plant that includes the review of the installation and at least the following tests:

  • Pipe tightness and pressure test.
  • Verification of measures to prevent corrosion (if applicable).
  • Installation grounding tests.

What is a gas main line?

Línea Matriz

In order to supply natural gas to all the users of a co-ownership, there is a whole system of exterior or interior pipes, generally located in the common areas of the building, which allow the gas to be taken to the measurement centers of each individual user.

This system, called the main line, is part of the gas supply installation and is included between the output of the shut-off valve in the connection of the multi-user building, and the corresponding individual consumption meters. This is determined by the NTC 2505 standard.

In this sense, the Periodic Review of the parent line guarantees the safety of all users and must be carried out every 5 years. The Ministry of Mines and Energy, through its legal regulations, has established that when there is a main gas line that feeds more than one user, the inspection will be carried out only once in the corresponding period.

Periodic Review Step by Step

Step by step

Periodic Review Fee

Here are the prices for certifying your installation


Solicita o reprograma tu Revisión Periódica

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Solicita o reprograma tu visita de Revisión Periódica.

Why is the service suspended?

According to Resolution CREG 059 of 2012, the distributor, in this case Cusianagas S.A.S. E.S.P. BIC may suspend or discontinue the service, prior written notice to the user, in the following cases.:

  • Suspension due to expiration of maximum term
  • Suspension due to critical defect

Report your Certificate of Compliance

Upload the certificate of conformity of your gas installation at this location.

Advice and safety

Step by step