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Cusianagas continues working to guarantee the supply of gas to households

At Cusianagas S.A. E.S.P. we are committed to providing an efficient and continuous service, and even more so during the health emergency that our region and the country are experiencing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

That is why our teams of collaborators will continue working with all the protection and self-care measures required to prevent contagion, in order to maintain a safe and stable operation.

It is important to remember that users must carry out periodic gas inspections of their installations every five (5) years through an Accredited Inspection Agency. In case a leak is found during the inspection phase, Cusianagas is obliged to suspend the service for the safety and life of the user, his family and community. 

The reconnection may only be performed once the gas installation is repaired and certified, for which the Cusianagas team is ready to perform these procedures in the shortest time possible, and thus minimize the impact on users. We invite you to schedule your periodic review on time, in order to avoid inconveniences or the suspension of the service due to expiration of the maximum term. 

We remind our users of the customer service line 6819086, which is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and the emergency service line 164, fixed line 6819085 and toll free line 018000936521, with 24-hour service.



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